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Printing the Future

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The first Russian-made bioprinter BioDrop has been developed by the Sechenov University scientists in collaboration with the Moscow-based Institute of Photonic Technologies. The new bio printer is using a laser induced forward transfer (LIFT)-based system which allows to fabricate constructs with required structural and biological complexity.

According to Professor Pyotr Timashev, the Head of the Sechenov Regenerative Medicine Institute, the main advantage of the new BioDrop bioprinter is that it can use various cellular structures, including spheroids and cell sheets, allowing rapid and precise transition. ‘Not only does this facilitate our work, but it also significantly accelerates the process of tissue fabrication. Bioprinter allows us to construct various complex structures with vascular networks which facilitates host cell integration during the transplantation.’

Published in Bioprinting, the study is shedding new light on the use of LIFT technology for biomedicine and the not-known difficulties of laser printing process.

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