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Sechenov Clinical Centre to provide 2000 beds for COVID-19 patients

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On Monday, 6 April, Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin, and health minister Mikhail Murashko opened a COVID-19 hospital based at Sechenov University clinics. The mayor pointed out that Sechenov University provided great help to the city by preparing doctors and medical volunteers, as well as setting up temporary hospitals for COVID-19 patients.

Dedicated COVID-19 units will open at four Sechenov hospitals. 700 beds have been allocated so far, including 400 beds at University Hospital No.2, and 300 beds at University Hospital No.4.

According to Rector Petr Glybochko, “Sechenov Clinical Centre will provide 2000 beds for COVID-19 patients. 1300 more beds will be allocated and start accepting patients on 13 April. The COVID-19 medical facility will be supplied with all necessary equipment, including lung ventilators”. Thus, Sechenov University Vasilenko Hospital has been equipped with new lung ventilators: 138 hospital beds have been supplied with respiratory equipment, 12 beds have been equipped for resuscitation and intensive care. A new equipment includes a CT Scan for diagnosing pneumonia.
To prevent the spread of infection, clean and dirty zones have been delimited and decontamination stations set.

167  Sechenov University graduates with medical degrees have signed up to work at Moscow hospitals. More than 100 Sechenov students joined as volunteers to provide targeted assistance for elderly and disabled people in self-isolation. They also volunteer to help the medical staff at Moscow hospitals.

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