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On 25-26 October, the 5-100 Project Council held a session on Global Competitiveness Enhancement of Russian Universities among Global Research and Education Centres. The Council analysed the progress made by participating universities, including Sechenov University. As a result of this work, the Council selected participants for a new round of the 5-100 Project from 2020 onwards. Sechenov University maintained its position in the ranking and will continue to receive government support as a member of the 5-100 Project in the coming years.
The 5-100 is an academic excellence project which is aimed at getting at least five Russian universities into the top 100 in world university rankings. The 5-100 Council includes leading Russian and international experts, such as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets, Minister of Science and Higher Education Mikhail Kotyukov, CEO of the largest Russian bank Sberbank Herman Gref, Founding Director of the Boston College Center for International Higher Education Philip G. Altbach, Chancellor of the University of York Malcolm J. Grant among others.
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