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Sechenov University urologists did not limit their participation in the European Association of Urology congress (EAU 2019) in Barcelona with original reports. They also reviewed trends in Urology pertinent to the global scientific community.
It is the first time that our scientists made live presentations from the forum reviewing the best reports for UroToday educational platform. Watching the live feed by Stanislav Ali, Mark Taratkin, Olesya Snurnitsyna, Dmitry Korolev and Ekaterina Laukhtina were 35 000 urologists around the world.The original arsenal of Sechenov University included 12 reports at video and poster presentations on urolithiasis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, pelvic organ prolapse, laser surgery, minimally invasive techniques to combat prostate cancer and novel methods of computer simulation of renal function. For the first time a Sechenov University representative moderated one of the key events – live surgery session of the EAU Section of Uro-technology. Trying on a role of a moderator at an international conference was Dmitry Enikeev, deputy director for science at the Institute for Urology and Reproductive Health.An important milestone for the Russian team was EAU awarding Yuri Alyaev for his active contributing to the fruitful collaboration between European and Russian medical professionals.The most discussed topics at the conference were focal therapy, as well as visualization and diagnostic techniques for cancers. Their popularity exhibits a steady growth with PET-CT, PSMA-PET and mutislice MRI outperforming invasive biopsies. Robotic surgery is also on the rise. New systems for ureteroscopy and CT-guided ablative techniques for kidney diseases have made their debut. The European Association of Urology congress is the biggest professional event for urologists of the world. This year it has attracted over 15 000 participants.
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