Admission office: +7 969 2834820
Study Economics in Russia | Study Management in Moscow | Education in Russia | Education in Moscow
The Department of Economics and Management – the youngest department of the medical faculty, was established in June 2011 by the Decision of the Academic Council of the University.
The purpose of the department is the creation and implementation of an effective training system aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of economics and management with a focus on applied health care tasks and involving students in research work.
Modernization of the healthcare industry, aimed at solving the most important tasks of reducing mortality and improving the health status of the population by increasing the availability and quality of medical care, identifies the growing need of healthcare for professional managers – specialists who have modern methods of managing medical organizations, human resources management technologies, extensive knowledge areas of economics, marketing.
The teachers of the department prepare students on the basis of the curriculum using modern educational technologies based on the close connection of the educational process with scientific research.
The mission of the department is to prepare highly qualified specialists with the necessary level of professional competence in the field of economics, management, accounting, finance and credit, marketing, mathematical modeling and other relevant areas in the field of modern economics and management, which are necessary to ensure the rational management of health care in modernization of the industry.
Admission 2021-2022 is open now. Join to thousands of happy students in First Moscow State Medical University
Admission office for international students.
Adfress: 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya street, house 8, building 2, Russia
Phone: +7 (969) 283-48-20