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MBBS in Russia | MBBS in Moscow | Study Histology, Cytology, and Embryology in Russia | Study Histology, Cytology, and Embryology in Moscow | Education in Russia | Study Histology, Cytology, and Embryology in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | About I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Histology, Cytology, and Embryology Tuition Fee in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
The Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine is one of the oldest departments of this profile in the country. It was founded in 1863-67 as part of the medical faculty of the Imperial Moscow University.
The department carries out training of medical, medical and preventive, pediatric, biomedical and dental specialists.
Training is conducted over 2 semesters: the 2nd and 3rd first and second courses. The form of education is full-time, both on a budget and on a fee basis. The department currently employs 18 teachers, 1 of them – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 6 doctors and 12 candidates of sciences.
For the long history of the department, such well-known histologists as A.I. Babukhin – the founder of the department, I.F. Ognev, V.P.Karpov, A.G. Gurvich, B.I. Lavrentyev, M.A. Baron, V.G. Eliseev, Yu.I. Afanasyev. Currently, the department is headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor S.L. Kuznetsov.
For teaching students and conducting research, the department is equipped with 6 educational laboratories, 3 computer classes, and a histological laboratory. Training areas allow 120 students to be trained simultaneously.
The department is working to improve and reorganize the educational process in modern conditions on the basis of modern multimedia technologies. Computer classes are actively used, for which a special computer manual and an atlas with test tasks in the course of histology, an educational University Portal, have been created.
A bank of images of microscopic preparations for the educational process, a set of educational films for their demonstration using computers have been created and improved; the fundamentals of using tele-education methods for teaching histology, cytology and embryology are being developed. The department continues work on the creation of traditional textbooks of the new generation: a new Textbook and Atlas on the course of histology, cytology and embryology were published, which had already passed through two editions, a number of textbooks and textbooks.
Since 1903, the Scientific Student Circle has been functioning, many members of the department are its students.
The department has a postgraduate and doctoral studies in the specialty of histology, cytology and cell biology.
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Adfress: 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya street, house 8, building 2, Russia
Phone: +7 (969) 283-48-20