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In Sechenov Medical University we opened a new study module “Urethral Structure Disease” which is dedicated to the urethral stricture disease which is quite topical in urology.
That is why we will try to analyze the main basic aspects of this area to enable an urologist to properly choose and justify chosen treatment methods for different manifestations of the disease.
Target audience: General practitioners, urologists, reconstructive-plastic surgeons.
After completing this module, the urologist receives systematic knowledge of the topographic and anatomic features of the urethra; the etiology, classification, diagnosis and choice of methods for treatment of the urethral canal. He/she will be free to interpret the data of visualization techniques used in the diagnostics of urethral lumen. He/she will be able to suggest suitable surgical treatments depending on the etiology, length and localization of urethral strictures.
The new learning module was created by Dr. Denis Butnaru, deputy director on research at the Research Institute of Uronephrology and Reproductive Health of the Sechenov University, and Dr. Guido Barbagli, a professor of the Urology chair of our University and Director of the Center for Reconstructive Urethral Surgery in the city of Arezzo, Italy.

Content of the learning module:

1. Topographic and anatomical features of the urethra;
2. Basics (terminology) of urethral surgery;
3. Etiology of urethral strictures;
4. Classification of urethral strictures;
5. Diagnostics of urethral strictures;
6. Choice of treatment methods for urethral strictures;
7. Non-radical treatment;
8. Urethroplasty;
9. Urine diversion.

Admission 2021-2022 is open now. Join to thousands of happy students in First Moscow State Medical University

Admission Office

Admission office for international students.

Adfress: 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya street, house 8, building 2, Russia

Phone: +7 (969) 283-48-20
