Admission office: +7 969 2834820
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Recognition | FMSMU Recognition | I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Accreditation | I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University International Cooperation | Exchange Programs in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Academic Mobility Programs in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Internships in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Study Abroad in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University License | Programs of International Cooperation in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | WorldWide of in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
First MSMU and the World
International cooperation is one of the most important branches of I.M. Sechenov First MSMU’s activities that makes contribution to training of highly qualified specialists, development of priority areas in medical science and high quality healthcare.
The University maintains close relations with many foreign educational establishments, public, state, and international organizations, including 34 major Universities from Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Norway, Serbia, Slovenia, USA, CIS countries, etc., World Health Organization, International Association of Universities, and more. Complete list here
First MSMU is an active participant of the TEMPUS IV Project.
Over 140 teaching staff members of the University are members of one or several foreign and international scientific and professional societies, organizations, associations.
Annually First MSMU hosts more than 20 international scientific and educational events: conferences, symposia, seminars, trainings, schools, round tables, and working groups.
About 2 500 international students and post-graduates from 73 countries study at First MSMU today. Far-abroad countries are mainly represented by students from Malaysia, People’s Republic of China, Syria, India, Vietnam, Israel, Brazil, as well as Germany, USA, Great Britain, Haiti, Nepal, Republic of Maldives, and other countries.
Basic objectives and directions of the University’s international activities
– Promotion of academic mobility of students and faculty.
– Integration into the forming Common European Education Space.
– International experience based development of innovative forms of medical education, science and healthcare.
– Intensification of modern knowledge and technologies exchange.
– Cooperation with abroad higher educational institutions in the fields of medical education, science and healthcare, promotion of academic mobility of students and academic staff.
– Scientific cooperation within international projects and agreements.
– Organization of training and specialization for foreign citizens.
– Cooperation with various international organizations, medical and scientific societies and professional associations.
– Representative activities aimed at the University equity promotion.
– Formulation and implementation of optimal international activities.
Admission 2021-2022 is open now. Join to thousands of happy students in First Moscow State Medical University
Admission office for international students.
Adfress: 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya street, house 8, building 2, Russia
Phone: +7 (969) 283-48-20