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MBBS in Russia | MBBS in Moscow | Research Institutes to Study in Russia | Research Institutes to Study in Moscow | I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Research Institutes | About I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Research Institutes | Research Institutes Tuition Fee in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University | Research Institutes & Labs in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
The scientific core of Sechenov University is its Research Center (RC) which combines all the scientific departments of the University.
– Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine
– Institute of Public Health and Healthcare Management
– Institute of Medical Sociology, Healthcare Economics and Medical Insurance
– Institute of Pharmacy
– Institute of Uronephrology and Reproductive Health
The Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine named after E. Martsinovskii is the educational base of the department of Tropical Medicine and parasitic diseases which founded as a part of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine.
The institute owns a large collection of agents of parasitic diseases and arthropod-carriers of diseases, rich illustrative material in the form of tables, slides, videos and CD-ROM drive, a library, which contains all of the major publications relating to the studied problems, and includes 80,000 names of the scientific literature for Parasitology, unique insectaries carriers of human diseases, collection agents, registered in the World health Organization.
The staff of the institute are deeply involved in carrying out the theme: “Improving the surveillance of parasitic diseases” and actively participate in the development of materials legislative prevention of parasitic diseases in Russia.
The main objective of the department is training of competent personnel for the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service and health care facilities specializing in “Parasitology” with the use of modern: technologies, forms and methods of teaching, as well as the latest achievements in biological and medical science and practice.
The departments train postgraduates in the field of “parasitology” and prepares graduate students (full-time and part-time students) and competitors of scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of medical and biological sciences in the specialties of “parasitology” and “entomology”. Due to the degradation of the environment new training on carrying out sanitary parasitological studies of the environment (water utilities, etc.) were introduced.
The Research Institute of Public Health and Health Management was established in 2002.
Established in 2011 the Institute of Sociology of medicine, health economics and health insurance consists of the managerial board and 6 scientific divisions: 5 departments (sociology of health and illness, sociology of health care management, historical and sociological analysis of medicine, health economics, management, economics and sociology of health insurance) and a laboratory of medical and sociological monitoring.
The Institute is headed by Professor A.V.Reshetnikov a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Dr. of Sociological Sciences, a honored worker of health.
The research activities of the Institute are based on the principles of: unity and active interaction between the research and educational activities.
The Research Institute of pharmacy was established in 2001, it carries out its activities in cooperation with the institutions, faculties and departments of the University and its clinics, performs with them collaborative research, and participates in the educational process at the University.
The results of the research conducted by the staff at the Institute of Pharmacy is published in monographs, textbooks and the following magazines: “Pharmacy”, “New Pharmacy”, “Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal”, “Bulletin of Voronezh State University,” “Pharmaceutical industry”, “Bulletin of the Scientific Center of Medical Products “,” Pharmacoeconomics “, etc.
The Institute of Pharmacy holds annual scientific conferences and scientific seminars on topical issues of technology, standardization, production and pharmacoeconomics of medicines, with the participation of students, researchers, companies specialized in the manufacture of medicines and the regulatory authorities.
The Institute explores the current issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the urinary system, male fertility disorders, and sexual function. Its clinical departments a wide range of complex medical operations are performed routinely this includes: laparoscopic interventions on the kidney, a wide range of rare and technically complex reconstructive and plastic operations on the organs of the urinary system, percutaneous interventions, minimally invasive treatment of prostate cancer using focused ultrasound, destruction of small renal tumors with radiofrequency ablation and other modern techniques. Promising methods of 3-D modeling of the pathological process of kidney cancer, kidney stones and hydronephrosis were introduced in the institute, significantly improving the effectiveness of surgical treatment for these conditions by creating computer simulations of operations.
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Adfress: 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya street, house 8, building 2, Russia
Phone: +7 (969) 283-48-20