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Today is the Russian Science Day, and we have talked with Prof. Marina I. Sekacheva, Vice-Rector for Research of Sechenov University, about current role of science in the Sechenov University’s development.
– What are the most promising fields of science and medicine?
– Today development of science is a priority not only for Russia but for the whole world as well. It should be noted that scientists have made special progress in the field of medicine. Humankind has made amazing discoveries, scientific breakthroughs and created useful drugs. Nowadays all doctors are working mainly to save lives: fight against cancer, treat cardiovascular diseases, to prevent epidemics, etc. Moreover, we primarily focus on healthcare quality improvement. We need to find new ways to preserve both cognitive abilities and physical health. It will help people to stay active throughout whole life.
– How does it influence on the University research staff? Is the research field being changed?
– Today Life Sciences became one of the top fields of science and technology. Traditionally Sechenov University has strong positions in clinical medicine and pharmacy. Nowadays Sechenov University is the University of Life Sciences that concentrates global talents, knowledge and technology. In other words, the University meets the challenges of modernity. The University’s scientific and technological achievements in biotechnology and molecular biology led to creation of innovative projects. Sechenov University’s multidisciplinary teams are developing a big data platform to to treat patients and promote active longevity. Personalized Oncology is also one of the main areas of clinical practice at Sechenov University. We have created OncoPro platform for early diagnosis and risk assessment of cancer that is able to obtain a large amount of information to identify the disease in the early stages and make individual recommendations for cancer prevention.
– What is difference between science for young scientists/students and science for prominent scientists?
– Young scientists combine two roles. On the one hand, they are scientists; on the other hand, they are still students. We begin to attract students to join student scientific circles and the scientific society. We have already achieved great results: in 2018, our students and postgraduates have tripled the publication activity.
Sechenov University is starting a new project – the International School of Medical Scientists. It aims at training the research staff of our clinical departments to transform research achievements into high-rated scientific articles, to present the results of their work, to meet all modern requirements for writing scientific publications, and clinical research. All in all, It will help to enhance the University’s international status and visibility.
– What would you like to wish Russian scientists?
– First of all, ambitious goals and non-standard solutions. It is necessary for outstanding scientific achievements that open up new areas of knowledge and provide new opportunities for practical use of science.
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