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Ear disorders are mainly characterized by lesions of hearing organs, development of inflammatory process in different parts of the ear or hearing loss. Ear diseases can especially be worrying because they could lead to pain and discomfort or even serious hearing impairment.
The greatest success in this research area was achieved by the scientists of Sechenov University. Their study is currently at the stage of preclinical trials.
“According to the World’s Health Organization (WHO) about 5% of people in the world suffer from hearing loss (2015). The number of patients with benign vocal fold lesions that may lead to persistent restriction of professional activity has reached 12 million people within the whole world. Tissue engineering approaches and 3D bio-printing can help solving problems with tissues repair when classical methods are powerless,” – comments Prof. Petr S.Timashev, Director of the Sechenov University’s Institute of Regenerative Medicine.
The Institute of Regenerative Medicine was engaged in design of 3D porous scaffolds for use in tissue engineering, while the Department of (ENT) disorders performed surgeries. Then the Sechenov scientists will conduct a histological study that will show whether this approach allows restoring tympanic membrane structure and its mechanical properties.
“Our Institute has been working with the Department of ENT disorders for a long time. The result of this cooperation is a collagen-based material that accelerates regeneration of tympanic membrane and reduces inflammation. It will be introduced into clinical practice”, – concluded Prof. Petr S. Timashev.
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